Welcome to ME 410 The Adolescent Learner!

This course examines the intellectual, physical, psychological, social and moral characteristics and needs of the early adolescent/middle school student. It analyzes the middle school concept including the role of the teacher, interdisciplinary planning, advisor-advisee relationships, and curriculum for middle school students. This course is designed to study and experience the various learning styles and patterns of students in middle school/junior high education. The students will experience, first-hand, middle school, self-contained, and junior high education models.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Journal Blog for Week Oct. 11-15

Instead of writing in a journal about your field experiences observations and experiences, you will be required to post your reflections here, in this blog. By posting to this blog, I will have evidence that you were there and I can grade you for the week.

Also, remember to have your cooperating teacher, or the tutor in charge, sign your timesheet that was in the handbook I gave you. This is required as documentation of hours completed.


  1. I completed my second day of field experience at Simle today. Honestly, I must say that it was quite challenging. I arrived in time for lunch time tutoring for 7th grade. It was a small group of 8, and I walked around and assisted the ones that needed help. Alot of the students are too shy to ask for help so you kind of have to watch when they get stumped and ask them right away. The next group that came in were the 8th graders. There was one student that was really loud and talking back to the teachers. She had something to say for everything the teachers said. I could see their frustration and the girl could too, which may have been the reason she kept on. I found myself wondering what I would do if I was in their shoes. I think I would of seperated her from the tutoring group. After this tutoring session the 3 tutors discussed what to do for her next time. They were leaning towards putting her with one tutor by herself. The day seemed chaotic to begin with. The tutors discussed a fight that had taken place over lunch and how some of the students were still in that mode. This is the part where I am uncertain of what I would do. I know that the way they discipline comes with their experience and I hope I get to that point where I know how to handle conflict better. Right now I cannot picture myself being stern in the class. After this session I went with Mrs. H to her study hall but there was already another tutor in there so she sent me next door to Mrs. Mahers class. Mrs. H told me it was just one of those days. I am assuming she was referring to the attitudes of the students. And when I think about it, today was different then last week. I seen 2 students get put in the hallway to do their work because they weren't listening, a girl said that a teacher said something and the para went and got 'said' teacher and he scolded her in front of the group, she ended up having to go to the office. The students overall attitude was different.

    When I went in Mrs. Maher's study hall, she had me assist a student with her science work sheet. I made myself familiar with her work sheet quickly. As I was guiding her on what page to go to, she was rolling her eyes and giggeling. She did this a few times. Mrs. H must of noticed because she would say 'how you doing over there?' It is important not to take these instances personal, so I pushed forward and tried to get her on task. She ended up coming around. But truthfully, I was thinking: 'why is she treating me like this?'.
    She finished her assignment and handed it in. She seemed happier once she was done. Mrs. H came in and got me and she was able to give me a tour today. Today was somewhat off, or a bit testing. I was trying to think back to the book and the different quotes the children said and how they think their teachers should be. I hope next week goes better.

  2. I just finished my second experience at noon today. Overall things ran pretty smooth. I appreciate going on Thursdays because I feel it is the least chaotic day of the week the students are well into the routine of class work and it’s not too close to the weekend to where the kids are “antsy” for the weekend. When I arrived there were only three students that were in the first session of tutoring. With four tutors and only three kids there wasn’t much tutoring for me to do. After the first hour there we broke into the study halls, during my time there Mrs. Mahers had me checking with students teachers to make sure they had their work finished. This was fun, I like walking around getting to explore the school. I must say Simle looks nothing like my old middle school. Everyone is so new there. The students don’t know how lucky they are to have such a new facility. When finished with the tasks I proceeded into the Title 7 room. This was small classroom with an average of 4 to 5 Native American students at one time. By the time I arrived most were done with their work. We worked on a “store” activity that would help them reinforce their math skills. At about 11:45 we proceeded to lunch tutoring. The class for lunch tutoring was rather small today, only about 6 students. Some students worked on French homework while the others were doing Math worksheets.

  3. October 14-3rd Field Experience

    Things went well for my third visit. I was able to work in the tutoring area for the first hour of the morning. I was then sent to work with Mrs. Maher in a study hall session. She is a nice teacher and it seems that she is well liked by the students. She is well organized and it works for her. I assisted some students with assignments while in study hall. Next, I was assigned to the Title VII tutoring room. I was given the chance to work with a student on some math assignments. Initially, you would think that he is very shy, but after speaking with him, he was actually quite responsive. My next station was the lunch tuturing hour. I assisted students with history assignments. It was a productive visit and I look forward to my next.

  4. My second field experience was not as busy as my first day. I was tutoring in the cafeteria for and hour and half. There were only two students down there. They were there because of in-school suspension. I went to study hall with Mrs. Maher. Most of the students didn't need any help. I did help one boy student study for a health test. I went to lunch room tutoring. I started to recognize some of the same faces of students who are in tutoring quit often. It seems like a lot of the students know the routine of lunch room tutoring and yet always come unprepared. They don't bring there work or there books. A few students constantly asking to go to their lockers to get things.
