Welcome to ME 410 The Adolescent Learner!

This course examines the intellectual, physical, psychological, social and moral characteristics and needs of the early adolescent/middle school student. It analyzes the middle school concept including the role of the teacher, interdisciplinary planning, advisor-advisee relationships, and curriculum for middle school students. This course is designed to study and experience the various learning styles and patterns of students in middle school/junior high education. The students will experience, first-hand, middle school, self-contained, and junior high education models.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

August 25, 2010 - Wednesday

Today we're going to meet for a few minutes to review the book, make sure you can post to this blog, and project the field experience placements.

Your assignment that is due Monday, August 30, is to read the introduction in the book - pages 1-11. Then, read through the exercise on pages 12-13 in the book. Your blog post that is due will be this exercise. Respond to the questions there in your blog post. Remember, you are to post this information AND respond to one of your peers.

Respond to the exercise - post your first blog discussion - no later than the end of the day on Thursday. Then, your reply to one of your peers is due no later than class time on Monday - 10:30 AM. As you know, spacing out the deadlines like this makes for a much richer discussion experience!

As always, let me know if you have any questions!


  1. A. What I remember best about grades 6,7 &8:

    1. Making friends with groups different from my previous group
    2. Independence was “gained” by changing classes and having a locker
    3. Gym class was awkward with our changing bodies
    4. I realized that I “liked” boys
    5. I was more conscious about how I looked – clothing and styles
    6. I was allowed more free time to hang out with friends at the mall or the movies
    7. I had the option of taking classes like Spanish, Latin, and French
    8. I had the opportunity to take up extra curricular sports like track and cheerleading
    9. I began to watch what I ate – body image

    B. Which of these memories bring up positive aspects?
    #’s 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

    C. Which bring up anxious or negative feelings?
    #’s 1, 3, 5, 9

    D. How many plus experiences do you have on your list?

    E. How many minus experiences do you have on your list?

    F. Does anything surprise me as an adult?

    In hindsight, no, not really. I am of an age now where I can look back and take into perspective what I was actually going through mentally and emotionally. I think it is easier when you are mature enough to realize that perspective and can look at adolescents who are of that age with a smile. I now know why my grandmother had that smile on her face when she would say, “It’s going to be okay. You will understand when you are older.”

    G. How will they shape my reactions to middle school students?

    I think that as adults it can be easy for us to forget that we were once that age too. We tend to get “busy” with life, responsibilities, and rules. I will try to remember my own experiences while listening for the needs of each unique student. Also, I will do my best to possess and fine-tune “with-it-ness” skills.

  2. What do you recall best about your own experiences in grades six, seven, and eight?

    1. I remember I was very into WCW and WWF Wrestling. I used to literally cry if I wasn’t allowed to watch it due to punishment.

    2. I stayed overnight with my best friend Kristen just about every weekend.

    3. I recall being a tomboy. I wore baggy clothes and had short hair.

    4. I was very “cliquey”. Me and a small group of friends all sat at one table in the lunch room. If we were upset with one girl they couldn’t sit with us.

    5. In 7th grade I quit talking to my best friend since 3rd grade, because we had a fight. I still don’t talk to her to this day.

    6. I remember I was very sensitive in 6th grade. If I got in trouble in school I would start crying.

    7. I also visited the school nurse at least 3 times a week.

    8. My first “crush” was in 7th grade, this is when I stopped being a tomboy.

    9. I experimented with drinking alcohol and smoking around 6th grade.

    10. I started playing basketball in 6th grade, which was the best part of my day.

    Which of those memories bring up positive emotions?
    1, 2, 8, 10

    Which bring up anxious or negative feelings?
    3, 4, 5, 6, 7

    How many positive experiences do you have on your list?

    How many negative experiences do you have on your list?

    From your standpoint as an adult, does anything surprise you about your list?

    The thing I find most embarrassing was how involved I was in professional wrestling. In junior high I even attended a show. Now as an adult I could care-less about the sport. Sadly, It seems like that is the biggest memory that sticks out in my mind.

    How do you think these experiences might shape your reactions to your middle school students?

    Well I think with my experiences I need to listen to the students but also let them know I can relate to what they are going through because I have been there. I also try to ensure them that everything changes with time. What may be the “biggest” thing to them, will one day not matter at all. I will also try to explain that what they are going through is a natural part of growing up, and they aren’t the only one’s experiencing it.

  3. What I recall most about 6th, 7th & 8th grade:
    1. When I was in 6th grade I was still in the elementary school. My friends and I were excited to get in the 'big school'.
    2. In 6th grade I read my first real, long, chapter book; Dear Mr. Henshaw.
    3. I remember one of my friends' dad saying "What are you going to do, your a big shot in the little school right now and next year your going to be a little shot in the big school!" This comment really made me think because I realized I was going to be around a whole new group of people.
    4. In 7th grade, I thought it was so cool to have my own locker and was so excited to decorate it.
    5. In 7th grade, I was scared of phy ed because afterwards you had to take a shower. This was a big thing with most of the girls.
    6. I should have paid more attention in middle school instead of goofing off.
    7. The 8th grade dances were all the rage, even though we were all wall flowers.
    8. I stuck up for this girl alot because she would get picked on.

    Positive Emotion: 1, 4, 7, 8.

    Anxious/Negative Emotion: 2, 3, 5, 6.

    How many plus experiences? 4

    How many minus experiences? 4

    From your adult standpoint, does anything surprise you about your list?
    I still think about it until this day; I never worked to my potential in middle school what so ever. Me and my little group of friends were always goofing off, joking around and testing the boundries. As far as school work, I always did just enough to pass.

    How do you think these experiences might shape your reactions to your middle school students?
    I feel like I remember certain things about middle school and high school like it was yesterday, so I think I will be able to relate as far as certain behaviors go. I think the most important thing will be to gain their trust and be an active listener.

  4. What do you recall best about your own experiences in grades 6,7, and 8?

    1.) I had the best birthday parties.

    2.) Having sleepovers with my friends.

    3.) I started to like boys

    4.) I loved 7th grade (I went to a bigger school and made lots of new friends. My favorite part too was going to different classes each period and not being stuck in one room.)

    5.) My teacher in 6th grade gave us tons of homework. I can remember all the girls in my class would be at the public library ALL the time. Downstairs where we did our homework became our little after school spot.

    6.) The boys in my 6th grade class were really immature and mean. I couldn’t wait to graduate from elementary school.

    7.) I was very active in sports and activities at school.

    8.) After 7th grade my parents went through a separation.

    9.) In 7th grade I really started to pay attention to style and clothes. I cut my own bangs. I have to say I did a good job! I baby sat all the time so I could buy cool clothes.

    10.) I had to move to Bismarck after 7th grade and I was very upset.

    11.) I had a bad attitude coming into Cathedral in 8th grade because I wanted to be with all my friends. Wearing uniforms at school didn’t help make me any happier. The boys that I didn’t like in 6th grade most of them went to Cathedral and that didn’t help either. They were the last people I wanted to see.

    12.) In 7th grade I got into a food fight during lunch period and was sent to the principal’s office along with some of my peers.

    13.) I had a classmate that was in my 6th and 8th grade, and his mom was a ranger at Fort Lincoln State Park, so we were able to have our graduation parties there. We had scavenger hunts, a dance, bonfire, and spent the night in the barracks.

    14.) I went to daycare up to 6th grade. How embarrassing when the daycare van would pick me up. I use to say my mom worked there. It was convenient for my parents to keep me there because of my little brothers and we had lived on the other side of town.

    15.) My family moved before 7th grade started, so I could FINALLY walk to school and be cool.

    Which of those memories bring up positive emotions?
    1, 2,3,4,5,7,9,11,13

    Which bring up anxious or negative feelings?

    How many plus experiences do you have on your list? 9

    How many minus experiences do you have on your list? 5

    From you standpoint as an adult, does anything surprise you about your list?

    No not really. I think if anything I would have been in more sports when I was younger. I was very good and athletic. I was just scared to try other sports other than basketball, cheerleading, and gymnastics.

    How do you think these experiences might shape your reactions to your middle school students?

    At that time I went to junior high schools. A lot of times I wish I could always go back to those days. I remember almost all my experiences through those times, so it’s easy for me remembering how I felt in 6th, 7th, and 8th grade. I will have to remind myself I how I felt when I was their age, and be willing to listen to how they are feeling.

  5. @ Shyanne - I think your memory of riding the daycare van is most amusing! I can also remember feelings of embarrasment when I had things that were different from most others. It meant so much to feel like you "fit in" at that age. And in the end, I don't think that it ever really mattered. What were we thinking?...:-)

  6. @Kara - LOL yes it was sooo embarrassing! Now looking back, it is actually funny and my friends didn't even care. It was just me that cared!

    ***I felt the same way about gym class. Even though I had a sports bra on. I never wanted to change in front of anyone. It felt like everyone was watching everyone.

  7. @Nevada - I use to watch wrestling too when I was younger! I stopped watching it about third grade. Wow! You must of loved wrestling that much if you use to cry over it :) Who was your favorite wrestler? I use to love Jake the Snake, Hogan, Randy Savage! I don't even know why I hate snakes!

  8. @Joelle- I like your #7- "The 8th grade dances were all the rage, even though we were all wall flowers."
    I remember those days. I attended a summer camp called Inmed in Grand Forks while I was in jr. high and the dances were the highlight of my summer camp. If a boy asked you to dance you automatically thought they liked you. Usually then you two would start "goin out" even though that really didn't mean anything. Because you would barely talk. Then your relationship would last until the next dance, when he would be with another girl. I remember we would act so heart-broken like it was the end of the world. "Awww, MEMORIES!"

  9. @Shyanne- Well yes, I was a FANATIC!!! Pretty embarrassing now. but oh well, It's funny seeing pictures of me all decked out in wrestling shirts. I was really into the "N.W.O." I also like the "Undertaker" and "Golddust"- great names!! hehehehe

  10. @ Nevada. You can't be that embarassed of the WWF wresteling! I remember going to the civic center to one of the matches and the Ultimate Warrior was there and that was so awesome! Wuts even crazier is I'm probly more of a fan now then I was then because of my children. We recently went to Fargo and got to see Rey Mysterio and Batista. I think its good to let the kid and us come out every once in awhile. If you'd like we can compare action figures and watch Monday Night Raw tonight...I won't tell anyone! Lol.
